Saturday, May 28, 2011

Why is KFC So Good?

Who loves KFC, raise your hand? *raises both hands* Yes, I love KFC and in fact my whole events group also loves it. Ketucky Fried Chicken (KFC) has been there for many years now, which is why we've all learned to love this fast food chain that holds finger lickin' good chicken.

Just recently -- May 21 to be exact -- a big change hit all KFC stores in the Philippines that really shocked customers. No, no, no, it wasn't the taste of the chicken nor the removal of our
favorite food choices.

All KFC stores in the Philippines had a face lift and had transformed their menus and food containers to show its new tagline "SO GOOD" - KFC So Good. It does make sense, right? This new tagline has a broad appeal, simplicity of design, and ease of adaptation.

KFC is soooooooo good! Throughout the years, I have witnessed the development in their products from just being plain chicken into something that aims to satisfy consumers with whatever meal they want. Remember when they offered pasta bowl, krushers, etc.? Aren't they so good?

But really, why do I love KFC? There are actually four great reasons to answer that. And it's just so good to know these facts as an additional knowledge to all KFC fans out there.

Until today, (1) the 11 secret herbs and spices stay as a mystery to most of the people to maintain its yummyness and uniqueness in taste.

Aside from all (2) chicken being delivered fresh everyday, the mixing of herbs and spices, as well as the preparation and (3) cooking are all done by real chefs. The cooking of our favorite chicken isn't all simple, mind you. They're in store prepared and pressure cooked to perfection. That's why it's so good, right?

And of course, (4) the gravy! How in the world do we survive without the gravy? I love pouring the hot gravy over my rice, which is why I always miss it when I get to eat at KFC in other countries. This again, is one of the reasons why KFC is so good.

Win 11 Buckets of Chicken or Gift Certificates
How about you, aside from KFC, do you have anything so good to share - a video, story or photo? Head on to and submit your So Good Moment.

Every month, KFC will be awarding 15 best submissions.
  • Top 3 winners each get 11 buckets of KFC chicken - again, ELEVEN BUCKETS!
  • Other 12 winners will bring home KFC gift certificates - not bad for KFC lovers
Just share anything about your life, your experiences, and your adventures. Sky is the limit in what So Good Moment you want to share. There are samples there, so go ahead and view them.

For me, I wanna list 11 So Good Christian songs that really move me everytime I listen to it:
  1. Hosanna
  2. Mighty to Save
  3. Through It All
  4. You Reign
  5. Amazing Grace
  6. Lord I Give You My Heart
  7. Open the Eyes of My Heart
  8. Forever (His Love Ensures)
  9. Shout to the Lord
  10. God Will Make a Way
  11. From the Inside Out


This post made me wanna eat KFC chicken for lunch!!!

KiM - Me too! I want a fully loaded meal!

They also started servicg Coca-Cola products, removed Pepsi.

Bob - oh yeah! Nice observation. Thanks!

I noticed that too Bob!

You know Glenn, the next day after the event, I immediately ordered a bucket of KFC chicken.

Right now, I'm calling KFC to order again hahaha!

Roch - you should be a KFC ambassador! Hehe.

I noticed that too Bob!

You know Glenn, the next day after the event, I immediately ordered a bucket of KFC chicken.

Right now, I'm calling KFC to order again hahaha!

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