Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Philippine Launch and Unboxing of Nokia N8 (And Contest Alert)

The media had its first peek of the actual Nokia N8 unit in the Philippines last October 15 at The Tents. Aside from the introduction of the the new line of Nokia smart phones, participants of the said event were given ample time to shoot and edit a video using the Nokia N8. The shooting activity aims to help Pier Roxas remember his lost 8 days through a number of identified clues. My friends Rowena and Art were part of the lucky group who brought home tons of gift certificates.

At the end of the event, another friend Fritz luckily won the grand raffle prize of a brand new Nokia N8. Not as lucky as him in raffle draws, I thank WOMWorld for sending over the beautiful Nokia N8 for me to try it out for three weeks. Here's an unboxing video of this amazing phone:

Now that you have seen the Nokia N8, would you like to have one and get it for FREE? If you're a writer who's creative and has good imagination, I suggest you join Nokia Philippines contest by doing the following:
  1. Watch the videos over at www.youtube.com/pierroxas
  2. Now that you know the leads, come up with a story and email it to [email protected] or call 0918-9039000 on or before November 3, 2010.
  3. The best 8 stories will be rewarded with a Nokia N8 and the grand winner will get Php50,000 as well.
  4. For more details, log on to www.nokia.com.ph/pierroxas
More pictures and write-up about the Nokia N8 on my next blog posts. Meanwhile, here are some pictures during the Media Launch:


I'm not a Nokia fan in general but I was very impressed by its movie-making capabilities. :D

Right now, I just want October 30 to breeze by faster than our normal 10 days. Yun yung turn over ng unit eh. haha. The fact that several movie makers were satisfied by both the movie capture and video editing capabilities of the N8 upon use was overwhelming!

Hey Fritz! October 30? Not 25th anymore?

So this is the commercial that caught my attention. Haha!

it does have issues about this very expensive phone here in the Philippines, I have bought N8 last Nov 16 at the price of php 22,400 and the first day i used it i noticed that it has a fluctuating network signal unstable.. experienced drop calls from calls abroad , and short battery life .. and the worst part after 3 days my phone keeps on rebooting.. i went to the store that i bought this phone for replacement for it's very frustrating this is the first time i bought an expensive phone from Nokia and experienced this frustrating problem,,, the sales clerk told me that they have to send the phone for testing to Nokia Care Center and there they will only decide if they will replace the unit.. They should replace it right there and then but they refuse they said that only the Nokia will decide .. I also noticed that this phone can surf the Internet and can download files but the problem is this They don't have the anti virus software for this piece of crap .. then why do they have to release this Thing if they are not yet ready to provide the important software " anti Virus" didn't they anticipate this that this Phone is not immune to viruses.. Nokia Think about This!! you bunch of retards!!! replace my phone not just fix it or upgrade

it does have issues about this very expensive phone here in the Philippines, I have bought N8 last Nov 16 at the price of php 22,400 and the first day i used it i noticed that it has a fluctuating network signal unstable.. experienced drop calls from calls abroad , and short battery life .. and the worst part after 3 days my phone keeps on rebooting.. i went to the store that i bought this phone for replacement for it's very frustrating this is the first time i bought an expensive phone from Nokia and experienced this frustrating problem,,, the sales clerk told me that they have to send the phone for testing to Nokia Care Center and there they will only decide if they will replace the unit.. They should replace it right there and then but they refuse they said that only the Nokia will decide .. I also noticed that this phone can surf the Internet and can download files but the problem is this They don't have the anti virus software for this piece of crap .. then why do they have to release this Thing if they are not yet ready to provide the important software " anti Virus" didn't they anticipate this that this Phone is not immune to viruses.. Nokia Think about This!! you bunch of retards!!! replace my phone not just fix it or upgrade

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